Dominator 72 FXL

Dominator 72 FXL


The Dominator 72 FXL is a sturdy outdoor in-ground basketball hoop. This top-grade hoop is the perfect option for those who don’t want to skimp on quality or performance and who can utilize a large playing space capacity.

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  • Mileage charges apply beyond 60 miles.
  • $0.00

  • Total

6-12 Months Interest Free Financing.


The Dominator 72 FXL is our flagship outdoor, in-ground basketball hoop. The regulation size 72″x42″x3/16″ perforated aluminum backboard and 4′ overhang put it a cut above the 60 XL. This is the perfect option for those who don’t want to skimp on quality and performance in any aspect of their hoop.



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